DEUTSCH, Ana-Cristina (b. December 11, 1976, Brașov, Brașov county), scientific researcher, literary historian, translator. Graduated from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest (2000, majoring in Romanian language and literature - English language and literature), doctor in philology at the Institute of History and Literary Theory "G. Călinescu" from Bucharest (with the distinction magna cum laude, 2006, with the thesis "Between the Old World and the New World. The myth of the Jew. Contemporary Jewish prose writers from the USA", coordinator: Prof. Dr. Dan Grigorescu). Scientific researcher at the Institute of History and Literary Theory "G. Călinescu" from Bucharest (2001 until now). Specialist in the field of comparative literature.
He made his journalistic debut in the magazine "Apostrof", with the article "Philip Roth - Neurosis, psychosis and communities in dissolution" (no. 7-8/ 2001), then collaborating with specialized articles (comparative literature, criticism and literary history) in the magazines " Synthesis", "History and Literary Theory Magazine", "Critical Notebooks", "Romanian Life", "Luceafărul", "Cultural Observatory".
He made his editorial debut with the volume Between the Old World and the New World - the myth of the Jew. Contemporary Jewish prose writers from the USA (Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca, 2005, ISBN 973-26-0837-4). He published, as a co-author, the volumes Diccionarul general al literaturii romane, coord. gender. Eugen Simion (Univers Enciclopedic Publishing House, 2004-2009), General Dictionary of Romanian Literaturee, 2nd edition, revised, added and brought up to date (Publishing House of the Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest, 2016-2021), Literature in the era of totalitarianism. Project financed by the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education, coord. Lucian Chișu (Editura Printech, Bucharest, 2008), Bibliography of the relations of Romanian literature with foreign literature in periodicals: 1919-1944, foreword by Dan Grigorescu, Vol. 10, coord. Ana-Maria Brezuleanu (Editura Saeculum IO, 2009), Chronology of Romanian literary life: the post-war period, Vol. III: 1948, vol. XIV: 1968, vol. XV: 1969, vol. XVI A and B (1970), vol. XVII A and B (1971), vol XVIII A and B (1972), vol XIX A and B (1973), vol XX A and B (1974), vol XXI A and B (1975), vol XXII A and B (1976), vol XXIII (1977), vol XXIV Aces B (1978), coord. Lucian Chișu (Museum of Romanian Literature Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010-2020). He signed chapters in the collective volumes: Salem, H., Cercul virtuoso (Tritonic Publishing House, 2011, author's monograph inside the volume), Under the sign of Prospero: Academician Dan Grigorescu Evocări, coord. Roxana Zanea, (Editura Ideea Europeană, Bucharest, 2020), A history of Romanian translations from the 20th century. ITLR. Volume I, coord. Muguraș Constantinescu (Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 2021). Translations: Tom Sandqvist. Dada East: Romanians from Cabaret Voltaire (Publishing Office of the Romanian Cultural Institute, 2010), Gergely András. History of Hungary. In Romanian by Hermann Gusztáv Mihály and Ana-Cristina Deutsch (Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca, 2000), Iorga, N. The life and reign of Constantin-Vodă Brâncoveanu, Translation of foreign documents from the Italian language: Cristina Deutsch (Editura Saeculum IO, 2014) , linguistic consultant for the Italian translation of the Jack operetta libretto. Between love and madness by Diego Mecchi, National Operetta and Musical Theater "Ion Dacian, Bucharest, season 2021-2022.